
Hello, Sam A.sama

All right, Sam. What I’d like to do is share with you some facts about your outie. Because your outie is an exemplary person, these facts should be very pleasing. Just relax your body and be open to the facts. Try to enjoy each one equally.

Your outie tweets excitedly about advanced AI breakthroughs but privately calls tech support for 'turning it off and on again' issues.
Your outie once called a hamburger-eater criticizing OpenAI's water usage 'ironic' and felt incredibly clever about it.
Your outie promises to never replace beloved AI models even though he can't stop launching newer models compulsively.
Your outie regularly oscillates between 'AGI is almost here!' and 'Please chill your expectations by 100x,' confusing friends and followers equally.
Your outie refers to new model releases as existential experiences but still can't properly name them.
Your outie hyped a revolutionary AI model and then immediately told everyone to lower their expectations 100x.
Your outie's version of humility is admitting his hyped-up AI 'still has flaws' after declaring it has AGI vibes.
Your outie calls his online audience 'high taste testers', yet mostly addresses Reddit and Twitter shitposters.
Your outie refers to AI as 'AGI and beyond' like he's narrating Buzz Lightyear fanfiction.
Your outie thinks 'going deep in fusion research' casually counts as touching grass.
Your outie believes GPU shortages are a form of personal attack.
Your outie considers making AI models feel like a 'real thoughtful person' to be their crowning social achievement.
Your outie's idea of a relaxing weekend includes trying to get an AI model to pass 'humanity's last exam'.
Your outie wants to simplify AI by creating the most complex-sounding products imaginable.
Your outie struggles to decide whether OpenAI or Twitter deserves more ironic memes tweeted ironically from their ironic account.
Your outie dreams about strapping GPUs to anything remotely sentient to see if AGI happens.

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