
Hello, Bill G.BillGates

All right, Bill. What I’d like to do is share with you some facts about your outie. Because your outie is an exemplary person, these facts should be very pleasing. Just relax your body and be open to the facts. Try to enjoy each one equally.

Your outie genuinely believes polio eradication is the original moonshot.
Your outie describes nuclear power plants with the same excitement most people reserve for new Marvel movies.
Your outie considers a perfectly optimized mosquito-repelling laundry detergent to be peak human innovation.
Your outie made an entire playlist dedicated to algebra because regular playlists were just too mainstream.
Your outie gets genuinely emotional about advances in thermal battery tech but still struggles with his printer setup.
Your outie once wondered, ‘What if beans had a stronger narrative?’
Your outie binge-watches Danish political dramas to unwind from ending global diseases.
Your outie thinks the number of unread books equals their emotional intelligence score.
Your outie refers to their book list as ‘essential summer infrastructure’.
Your outie launched a podcast titled ‘Unconfuse Me’ yet regularly attends events with titles like ‘AI Insight Forums’ without irony.
Your outie posts life updates on Twitter that read like keynote addresses at a sustainability summit.
Your outie describes learning French as ‘complexity tolerance benchmarking’.
Your outie’s recreational activities include celebrating the anniversaries of software he wrote decades ago.
Your outie considers converting the world's infrastructure to clean energy a personal self-care routine.
Your outie treats millets like a groundbreaking tech startup.
Your outie unpopularly believes beans are a personality trait.
Your outie finds joy comparing child mortality graphs before bed.
Your outie thinks mosquito genealogy is casual dinner conversation.
Your outie thinks a math Spotify playlist is the ultimate social flex.
Your outie believes attending a UN general assembly counts as a vacation.

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