
Hello, Paul G.paulg

All right, Paul. What I’d like to do is share with you some facts about your outie. Because your outie is an exemplary person, these facts should be very pleasing. Just relax your body and be open to the facts. Try to enjoy each one equally.

Your outie has opinions about GDPR that even the GDPR regulators don't quite understand.
Your outie tweets thoughtfully articulated arguments at Elon Musk, fully aware he'll never read them.
Your outie spent 20 minutes trying to explain AI-powered mustard gas immunity to a sleepy 12-year-old.
Your outie secretly enjoys grocery chains' AI strategy announcements more than actual groceries.
Your outie measures relationship strength in percent month-over-month growth rates.
Your outie sincerely trusts startup founders who describe their idea as "funny, but in a good way."
Your outie dreams about all his Twitter blocks getting stuck together in a 'Far-Left, Far-Right, & Crypto-scammer' Thunderdome.
Your outie firmly believes that one sub-stack post about wealth accumulation will fix Robert Reich's Twitter feed.
Your outie criticizes Carta while actively investing in startups that will inevitably use Carta.
Your outie daydreams about returning wine bottles labeled with price points beyond the taste asymptote.
Your outie finds nothing more horrifying than a book being mishandled, and he's still recovering from 'the pancake mix incident.'
Your outie loves talking about the AI revolution shaping startups but secretly worries that AI might understand startups better than he does.
Your outie has spent more waking hours wondering how to prevent Bond movies from being sanitized than watching Bond movies.
Your outie is more alarmed about broken Twitter link prioritizations than potential nuclear threats.
Your outie sees a supersonic flight revival as evidence that human civilization still has hope.
Your outie is suspiciously proud to have memorized the address of a notorious Viaweb fraudster from Romania.
Your outie envisions 'being bitter about wealth' as a legitimate barrier in capitalism and might soon consider funding a startup against it.
Your outie regards the rise of people who once got canceled as a better quality indicator than most college degrees.
Your outie believes 12-year-olds' nonsensical sleep-writing is probably more accurately predictive than most market research.
Your outie is a strong advocate of having opinions on startups but an even stronger advocate of having strong opinions on his opinions about startups.

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