
Hello, Navalnaval

All right, Naval. What I’d like to do is share with you some facts about your outie. Because your outie is an exemplary person, these facts should be very pleasing. Just relax your body and be open to the facts. Try to enjoy each one equally.

Your outie calls investing trading and trading investing, depending on how much money he's lost this month.
Your outie thinks posting daily 'How to Get Rich (without getting lucky)' tweets counts as entrepreneurship.
Your outie refers to Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos as peers, but can't get a Starbucks order right.
Your outie frequently tells others to be creators, yet spends 4 hours daily replying to AI debates on Reddit.
Your outie rails against centralized finance, yet still pays for Netflix and Disney Plus simultaneously.
Your outie claims the best parent is one providing unconditional love, yet his chatbot does most of your parenting.
Your outie complains about paperwork being robot work, then builds an AI to organize his inbox for fun.
Your outie lectures on avoiding cheap dopamine hits, while upvoting Severance memes at 3am.
Your outie won’t shut up about decentralization, yet constantly DMs Elon Musk feature requests.
Your outie believes in NFTs but calls traditional art investors 'delusional'.
Your outie mocks people who buy money-making courses, then spends hours creating threads titled 'How to Get Rich'.
Your outie calls jokes 'the truth of the powerless,' then meme-tweets all his knowledge about AI agents.
Your outie champions artificial intelligence, but secretly fears his girlfriend might just be a guy in a call center.
Your outie insists 'money doesn't buy happiness,' yet frantically tracks crypto prices at midnight.
Your outie tells others that happiness comes from limiting desires, then immediately buys the latest MacBook for 'productivity reasons.'
Your outie tells people that knowledge is infinite, but only reads summaries and skims headlines.

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